
Europe is an outstanding landscape collage that expresses our history, diversity and identity, which supports our economic development and which promotes our wellbeing. Those landscapes are our collective creation and can be described as the “result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors” (ELC).

However, we know that those landscapes -and the way in which we live or produce in them- are going to be severely affected by climate change and that we need to work together to plan their adaptation, which in the end, is the adaptation of our own societies to a new environment.

In the AELCLIC Project, we understand that Climate-Change adaptation is site specific and requires the support of all the people and groups living, working and enjoying a particular landscape. Moreover, we understand that the “landscape” concept can offer an ideal platform to see the whole picture instead of its different parts.

That is the reason why the project aims at defining and testing proactive and catalyzing models for the creation of local Consortia with the social, economic, technical and administrative capacity to define their own Landscape Climate-Change Adaptation Plans (LACAP).

The AELCLIC project will be implemented over a set of highly representative rural and urban landscapes distributed across Europe. In all those Pilot areas, local NGOs, business people, politicians, researchers, neighbors, etc., will work together to understand the impact that climate change will have in their landscapes and ways of living. Following this diagnosis, they will be invited to agree the basic goals and agendas that should be addressed by future local LACAPs as well as the resources and commitments needed for the drafting and fulfillment of those Plans.

In addition, the AELCLIC project will promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences between its different Pilot Landscapes and will facilitate the dissemination of the results to other landscapes in Europe.


Pilots landscapes


leading partners institutions


third parties institutions

Work packages

The one year AELCLIC pathfinder is divided in five Work Packages (WP). The first WP is a coordination of the four other Work Packages. WP 2-5 are each region specific. You can find more information on each package here

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